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Why Factory :
The New Old

Why Factory

Project Description: 
The research explores what ‘Old’ means, what will become ‘Old’ in the future and how to manage everything that due to technological, social or cultural changes will soon become obsolete. By understanding the location, size and time line of the soon-to-become-obsolete, we envisioned its future. ‘Re’ actions on the ‘Old’, such as ‘Re-moving’, ‘Re-using’, ‘Re-locating’ or ‘Re-membering’, to name just a few, let us understand what the New Old will be and how it will look like.

The New Old is a research by The Why Factory (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) in collaboration with the Master of City and Technology at IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Spain).

*Team Pictured Below*

Main Image Why Factory
The why factory Group Photo

Also Check out the The New Old exhibition at Cable Gallery
-  Shenzhen, China

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